Field Trip Opportunity

A field trip to the State Capitol was planned to accompany this unit.  The students spent an afternoon while towards the end of the unit touring the State Capitol.  This opportunity allowed the students to see the beautiful building that many of the government work that they learned about takes place in.  In addition the students were given the opportunity to learn a lot more in-depth information about the capitol an its rich history.  Before going on this field trip the students watched the video: Wisconsin State Capitol: A Monument, A Masterpiece.  This provided them with a little information about the capitol so they would have a little prior knowledge and know what to expect on the tour.  The students knew lots of the answers about the capitol that the tour guide asked and even asked him about many different things about the capitol that they learned in the video.  It was a really great experience for the students and helped give them a real life and hands on experience to connect to their academic studies.  

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